About the Business

ActionCOACH Cheltenham are business growth specialists, supporting business owners across Gloucestershire.

As part of ActionCOACH, you can join the largest and most successful business coaching company in the world, with over 1,000 coaches in 80 countries. Choose 1:1 or group coaching and be immersed in an unparalleled level of shared business knowledge and experience. You will have the accountability-partner and encouragement you need to become the business person that you aspire to be. Let our team support your team and build the business you have been dreaming about.

With our support, you can have more:

✓ Money into your business
✓Confidence in your decision-making
✓ Self-discipline and self-accountability
✓ Effective team-members
✓ Structure and measurement
✓ Time and space to achieve your goals

With our support, you will have less:

✗ Sacrifice of personal time
✗ Sunday-night blues
✗ Anxiety about your business direction
✗ Missing your family events
✗ Sleepless nights

ActionCOACH Cheltenham has award-winning strategies and tried and tested methods to transform your business. Our team can support you to put business systems in place, recruit the right team, set goals and plan for growth and success.

“We have been working with ActionCOACH Cheltenham for about a year now and the support and guidance has been fantastic. Their knowledge, guidance and skills are super. It has helped us no end to achieve a strong year, with the last 2 months being the best we have had in almost 15 years of trading! From support with recruitment, to growth plans, to setting goals and smashing them, the support has been excellent! I have been delighted that we chose to work with them”.
Ellen Roome, CEO The Finance Roome, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

“ActionCOACH Cheltenham have been supporting us at SWB Business Solutions Accounting with our sales and marketing, growth opportunities, time management, leadership and team development. They have made a huge difference and positive impact in helping us to reach our business and lifestyle goals. We’re expanding so fast with their help and advice, that we have taken on 5 new members of staff and recently moved to larger premises!”
Steve Bowers, Director, SWB Business Solutions, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire

“Whether or not to invest in coaching support was a big decision for me. It’s one I deliberated over for too long. My experience has been fantastic and my business has benefitted in all aspects as a result of ActionCOACH Cheltenham’s advice and guidance. I’m doing ActionCOACH’s one to one coaching programme so I benefit from weekly sessions and proactive guidance on the areas that will make the biggest difference to my business. The opportunity to share your dreams and goals with your coach and then to make a plan around them is so inspiring. It has completely transformed my mindset about what I can achieve to grow the business. I am thinking and planning with a clear strategy now. The key benefit for me is to have dedicated weekly sessions looking at my business, supported by my coach’s insight, expert knowledge, guidance and direction.
James Fleming, Brave Human Capital Group, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire