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Large Business of the Year
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This award was open to companies with 20 employees or more. The judges were looking for entries that had achieved a balance of core business activities, alongside reasons for their continuing viability within the wider business environment.
This was a hotly contested category, and all three finalists should be highly commended.
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Winner: Barn Theatre

Given the circumstances surrounding COVID19 and the challenges faced by the Arts and Entertainment sector, this entry excelled with its ingenuity and creativity to maintain a sound financial position during very difficult times. Additionally, their work undertaken to engage with the local communities and charities was outstanding.

Finalists: Kings Head Hotel and The Bathurst Estate

Small Business of the Year
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This award is for all companies with under 20 employees. As with the previous category, the judges were looking for entries that had achieved a balance of core business activities, alongside reasons for their continuing viability within the wider business environment.
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Winner: Corinium Museum

The winner was chosen due to the great number of initiatives introduced and for being very active in the local community. Visitor numbers are increasing and the introduction of online retail is assisting in making them a viable business.

Finalists: Cirencester Fabrication Services

Team of the Year
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This award is for a team of two or more working in any business. The strength of the team, not necessarily its size, will have played an integral role in the overall successes and achievements of the business.
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Winner: Corinium Museum Front of House Team

The Corinium Museum Front of House Team submitted an excellent application with plenty of examples of how the team comes together and how they compliment each other.

Finalists: Make It Sticky

Business in the Community
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This award is aimed at businesses, or organisations with a commercial operation that has, above and beyond their ordinary remit, contributed positively towards the local community and/or environment of Cirencester or its surrounding areas.
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Winner: the numbercrunchers

This business is not only successful but has a plan and clearly demonstrates commitment to the local community with a wealth of initiatives, pro bono, volunteering, helping with software mentoring, donations and a mission to helping start up businesses which will help the local economy.

Finalists: Ciren Scene

Business Person of the Year
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This award was open to any individual working within a business. This person will be an inspiration to us all, highly successful within their field, valued within their business for making a real difference and having made a huge contribution.
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Winner: Marc Begg

This entry scored highly across the board and the judges found it interesting to see how training information was related to outcomes for the business.

Finalists: Rob Gibson

Apprentice of the Year
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This award is aimed at promoting the diverse and growing range of outstanding apprentices in Cirencester and the surrounding area. The judges were looking for entries which showcase the impact an apprentice has had on the organisation they work for, as well as being able to show growth and commitment to their own personal development and progression.
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Winner: Thomas Back

Thomas demonstrated that he had travelled the furthest from his experience and learnt more about himself along the way.

Finalists: Isobel Webb, Holly Harrison and Lewis Bradley

Environmental Project of the Year
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This award was judged by Cirencester Town Council’s Climate Change Advisory Group and recognises contributions to improving the environment in Cirencester.
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Winner: Wild Campus Cirencester

Wild Campus works on enhancing the biodiversity of the education quarter of Cirencester by restoring or improving habitats, improving lighting, putting up bird and bat boxes and signs for community engagement and visiting local schools for increasing education in conservation. This is a fantastic project on so many different levels, impact and influence.

Finalists: Corinium Museum Environmental Sustainability Project

Daniel Bingham Community Project of the Year
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This award celebrates a local project which has improved the health and well-being of others through the arts, music, reading, leisure, an exhibition or community activity.
The award was judged by the Bingham Library Trust, so a big thank you to them.
The judges were delighted with the calibre of entries into this categories category, and would like to include to include a special mention to Interdepen-Dance, Cirencester Band and Hope Cirencester.
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Winner: The Churn Project Friendship Café

The Café runs every Tuesday afternoon giving older people the chance to meet friends and socialise, where everyone feels connected and valued. Regular social activities are arranged, local partners use it to meet clients, engagement with older people and supporting carers; creating a welcoming and safe space for everyone. This community project is a well deserving recipient of the Daniel Bingham Award.

Finalists: The Health & Wellbeing Week, The NHS and Beyond Project. and 100 Strikes at Cancer

Volunteer of the Year
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This award is for those invaluable people in the community who took action and helped to change something, or make a positive difference in someone’s life, through volunteering in Cirencester during 2021.
This award was judged by Cirencester Town Council’s very own team of dedicated volunteers, so a big thank you to them.
All the individuals nominated are exceptional and give of their time and skills generously to their local community. It should be stressed that they are all worthy winners and make the town a better place. Any one of them would deserve to win. The people nominated represented different types of volunteering using different skills which were not immediately comparable. So the judges decided to focus on the criteria highlighted in the call for nominations –
‘change something for the better’
‘Make a difference to someone’s life’
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Winner: Doreen Newman
Doreen Newman is making a real difference to people’s lives. Her can-do-attitude and willingness to support individuals, groups and The Churn as a whole, has enabled so many people to benefit from extra support in the community.

Finalists: John Tiffney, James Hill and Keith Baalham

Significant Contribution of the Year
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This award was open to individuals, community groups, local charities or businesses which made a significant contribution to the social, environmental or economic well-being of Cirencester in 2021.
This award was judged by the Town Council’s Corporate Group who presented the winner with the Clive Sherwood Cup.
Clive Sherwood was a long-serving and valued member of staff at Cirencester Town Council. Colleagues and Councillors, felt it appropriate that after his years of commitment to the local community he should be remembered in a positive way.
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Winner: Eileen Grout for Cirencester Health Group, Patient Participation Group

Without Eileen’s drive and determination, the NHS Day ‘The NHS and Beyond, The Power of Self Care’, as part of the Town Council’s Health and Wellbeing Week, would not have happened. Her drive for putting on the event and encouraging so many agencies, over 40, to attend was outstanding; with agencies reporting that members of the community, who are generally considered hard to reach, accessed services which they would not normally engage with. Eileen gave her time selflessly and personifies the significant contribution of the year award and winner of the Clive Sherwood Cup.

Finalists: Probus Club