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Sharing not selling

15 th April 2020


Who could have predicted that within such a short time our whole lives would be turned upside down? After the initial shock and the response to a huge change in our working patterns the next natural thing is to worry about where the next sale will come from. If you own a retail, hospitality or...
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Farm491 move AgriTech season online.

7 th April 2020

Chamber News

 Farm491 move AgriTech season online in response to Covid-19 restrictions Farm491, the AgriTech incubator based at the Royal Agricultural University, has adapted its season of events exploring the future of British Farming to comply with the UK’s Covid-19 social distancing measures. The organisation has developed a programme of webinars throughout April, many of which will...
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Help our NHS

2 nd April 2020

Chamber News

Can your business help our NHS? Cirencester College are working with other schools and colleges across the country by using their 3D Printer to help to manufacture Visors. Do you have a 3D printer or could you help to supply, source or fund the materials needed to make them? Please click on this link to...
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